Dear Class-XI entering/entered student,

If you are a Science student and wish to compete in JEE & NEET which are application based science exams, then with the study methods for science subjects upto Class-X next 2 year journey will be tough for you. You can make your future JEE/NEET exam quite simple if you learn the best techniques of studying Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Bio right from starting your class-XI.

The Subject Enhance Workshop is a specially designed 7 days / 14-hour work shop in which you will learn these Techniques to understand Applications of PCM/B for JEE/NEET preparation.

We are sure that after attending this workshop, you will say WOW ! Aise Bhi Pdhai ki jaa sakti Hai !!!

To see more details about workshop, see the below video.
Workshop admission Process

Workshop fee is Rs. 2800/- but you can attend it FREE just by filling the admission form, @ fee of Rs. 500/- on web or Rs. 350/- on ALLEN info & Admission app, of Class XI Nurture course for JEE or NEET at ALLEN Jaipur. The above admission form will also be valid for forthcoming ASAT i.e. ALLEN Scholarship & Admission Test

To Apply now - Click Here or fill the enquiry form given below, we will contact you

Your Name (Student)
Class XI (JEE)
Class XI (NEET)
Mobile Number
Email ID
TALLENTEX 2020 Form No (if appeared)
ALLEN Form No (if ALLEN student)